Sunday, January 22, 2006

Back to School

Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new school year - Catherine starts grade 3 and Christopher is in grade 4/5. There is a back to school advertisement on TV at the moment which shows a mother all excited about dropping her children back off to school - presumably because she has her days to herself again. While I can understand that sentiment, I don't think children need to be told that they are a burden to their parents. But that's just my humble opinion :)

Personally, I'm sad that it's the last day of the summer holidays. Our holiday routine is always so relaxed compared to school routine. We can get up a bit later, there's no pressure to be ready by a certain time, no lunches to be made, no uniforms to have ready each day, and no homeschooling. While I really like homeschooling Christopher, it certainly puts a hole in the day as far as other activities are concerned. So yes, I like school holidays, I love having the kids around, and I will be both sad and happy (as Catherine put it) that school begins again tomorrow.

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