Wednesday, June 10, 2009

5-min chocolate mug cake

There's an email going around about making a 5-minute chocolate cake in a mug. Catherine and I decided to give it a whirl, since all the ingredients were on hand. Here are the photos (some a bit blurry, sorry).

Catherine mixing the ingredients:

The mixture in the mug:

After microwaving for three minutes:

The cooked result:

Taste test:

Our verdict: this is a wicked recipe! Main problem - as the email notes - is that we are now only ever 5 minutes away from freshly-baked chocolate cake :)

Sunday, June 07, 2009

At the zoo again

Had a really lovely day at Australia Zoo, with tigers and snakes topping the favourites. Christopher ran himself ragged in the walker, and the trio of girls were fabulous. I spent the day juggling wheelchair, walker, wet shoes, jackets, backpacks and hats. Worth every minute! The girls are cooking dinner tonight - whoo-hooo!

Just a few photos: