Friday, December 09, 2005

Snack Packs

In self-defence, now that it's school holidays, we created elaborate "Snack Packs" for the children this morning. One of my least favourite cries just happens to be - "Mum, what can I have to eat. I'm hungry". Grrrrr. Didn't they just eat??

So each of the children now have a divided plastic snack box packed with all of the following:

sultanas, peanuts, dates and mini marshmallows
grapes and cheese cubes
jatz sticks (little stick shaped crackers ideal for dipping)
carrot and celery sticks, tiny tomatoes, cucumber cubes
a dip made with avocado and cottage cheese
a hard-boiled egg
They are also allowed additional fruit (we currently have nectarines, peaches, bananas and mangoes - I love the fruit this time of year).

They are allowed to nibble on these snacks any time throughout the day, but once they've finished their box, that's it for the day. Hopefully this will prevent the constant calls for food!

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