Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Ninety Years

On the other side of the world, and in a different time zone, my grandfather will soon be celebrating his 90th birthday. One of my most vivid memories of Opa is when he was here in Australia and had his 70th birthday with us. The whole family went out to a fancy French restaurant for dinner. In Holland, it's not uncommon for the 'birthday boy/girl' to stand on their chair while everyone sings to them. So - you guessed it - my 70-year-old grandfather got up on his chair in the restaurant while we sang to him! Here is a wonderful photo of my dear Opa:

Happy Birthday and lots of love from all of us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hoi Tamara,
Leuke herinnering aan Opa. Jammer, dat we dit niet eerder gezien hadden,want hij heeft hier met kerst achter de pc gezeten. Hij had het prachtig gevonden.
Zijn verjaardagsfeestje was prachtig, alleen heeft hij toen niet op de stoel gestaan, toen we hem toezongen. We zullen een DVD toesturen tzt.
Groet, Jan en Grace.