Monday, December 05, 2005

For Garry

Thich Nhat Hanh, whose writings I have enjoyed in recent years, talks about a concept he calls 'your heart sutra'. In honour of thirteen years of marriage, I thought that today I would copy my heart sutra for Garry onto the blogsite:

My love, without you I would not be whole. Your presence in my life is the greatest gift imaginable. You are all I could ever have hoped for and more. I deeply admire you, my darling, and am frequently challenged by the way you parent our children so patiently and kindly.

I pray that today, and every day we share together, I will be able to be all you desire as your wife. I readily commit my heart to you, my beloved husband. I will do my best to always listen to you with compassion and understanding. I will be here for you whenever you need me.

I am so very thankful for your love, and for all the special qualities that make you my personal hero. You still make my heart beat faster with your smile, my dearest.

Love forever,

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