Monday, August 20, 2007

Getting There!

I'm finally starting to feel as though my new home routine is in place. It has taken some tweaking, but it's getting there. One of the problems was that there seems to be too much stuff I need to fit into each day. Apart from cutting back on how much I do, though, I can really only get around this problem by doing things more efficiently/faster. The level of stuff I'm talking about here is very basic, you know - clean up lunch dishes, empty bins, do budget and bill-paying, etc. So they're not really things I can stop doing altogether.

In addition to this list of daily tasks, I also try to do *one* extra job each day - this is at the level of making a doctor's appointment, working on tax returns, reading textbooks for uni, etc. Aiming to fit in only one of these per day has been helpful as it puts less pressure on the afternoon.

Finally, I have three "special challenges" for myself each day - these are the things I don't like to do, but feel good about if I get them done. My three challenges are: to get some exercise; to put away all the clean washing; and to do one Flylady mission in the house.

It has helped to see these tasks and challenges as additional to my actual daily "work" - which is taking care of the kids, doing school with them, and dealing with their requests. I used to see these things as interruptions to my work, so the attitude adjustment was useful (and necessary).


Anonymous said...

Hi Tamara - I so identify with your recent blog "Getting There!" Almost everyone I speak to describes similar attempts at getting on top of things.I must say I've found Flylady a boon - today was the Master Bedroom - pulled out a couch and cleaned the skirting behind, the window sill, then vacuumed under the cusions and that was the zone work done for the day. It's all so do-able. Takes the "I must clean the house today" thinking out of the way. Remember it never gets done -as the wise one says "Jump in where you are!" Love it. I've also found that putting too much on the list is a real brain stopper - I try to do the main chores and then 1 thing. I remind myself that 1 thing amounts to 30 over the month - inch by inch, anything's a cinch and metre by metre, life is sweeter!! Hope you're having a lovely day. We had nearly 40mls of rain over the weekend so everything should be lovely and green for your parents when they get home. LOVe Connie

Tamara said...

Dear Connie - I agree about Flylady making a big difference. All I had to do today was throw out any rubbish in the living room. Too easy! Mind you, some of Kelly's missions are less fun than others :)