Friday, August 17, 2007

Frogs and Lettuce

We had a few specks of rain here this week - not a lot, but enough to wet the ground. The result was a chorus of frog calls that night, which was a pleasure to hear. The next morning a tiny toad-like creature hopped out of my composting area. I quickly captured it (not with my bare hands, of course) because I thought it looked like a juvenile cane toad.

After lengthy comparisons to online pictures and descriptions of various frogs and toads, I am certain it wasn't a cane toad, and *think* it may have been either a Dusky Toadlet or Smooth Toadlet. So the little fellow was released back into the compost to croak another night.

Meanwhile, the lettuces I planted some weeks ago have been supplying us with daily leaves for our sandwiches. I never used to buy lettuce but now we're growing our own, we seem to use it every day.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Mind you - the week after I wrote this post we had over 300ml of rain, including the highest rainfall ever recorded for this area in August. Wonderful to have all the tanks topped up! It was also kind of fun to be "flooded in". A bit exciting. At least no trees fell on the house (this time).