Sunday, August 26, 2007

Catherine's Music Lessons

Catherine recently told us that she'd like to learn to play the clarinet.

We suspect that she just picked this instrument out of thin air, because she hasn't really shown any musical interest before.... and since the clarinet is such an unlovely instrument when played by a total beginner, we have reached a compromise. (Mind you, I think the clarinet has beautiful tone when played well, so it's nothing against clarinets as such).

We have now got a little Yamaha keyboard and Catherine is booked in for weekly piano lessons. If she keeps them going for a whole year, we will revisit the clarinet idea. I think it's a good way for her to learn some basic musical theory and it's certainly a less expensive instrument. We can always pass on the keyboard if it's not a success.


Anonymous said...


too bad that wasn't there when i was there... we would've JAMMED!

Tamara said...

Well, Joel, you know the solution to that, don't you?

COME BACK!!!!!! (before we get rid of the keyboard). :)