Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wheelchairs and Bowel Motions

Not a terribly charming topic, is it? Nevertheless, it has become a very practical problem in our household. The dilemma is this: sitting in a wheelchair is simply not helpful when it comes to needing to "go". Trust me on this one.

Christopher has solved this in the past by asking to lie down on the floor when he feels the need, but I am past the point where I can lift him off the floor. He is adamant about not lying on the bed, for reasons unknown to me. (Perhaps he feels unsafe, even with the side bars up?).

Since the floor is no longer an option, he has been doing his business in his walker. That involves the following steps:
1. Christopher asks to go in the walker, so we lift him from w/chair to walker
2. House starts to smell
3. We lift Ch. from walker onto bed to be changed
4. Lift Ch. back into walker or w/chair.
Sadly, the transfer from walker to bed is really hard on one's back, so this isn't going to be a permanent solution either.

Clearly we need to rethink this, with full awareness that Christopher is almost eleven years old now - and will only get taller and heavier. Also, being the smart kid that he is, how much longer will he want his parents dealing with this? Well, at least that's still another problem for another time at this stage.

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