Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Three More Weeks

Three weeks until we move! Catherine has been cutting one number off our tape measure every day to keep track of the countdown, and this morning we're down to 21 days. All the books we're taking are packed, apart from my textbooks. Christopher's room is already quite bare, with only homeschool and medical equipment remaining. He has been the main motivating force behind all of our packing and preparation, as he loves to watch us at work.

Catherine's room is still underway, as she needed to do some extensive cleaning up before we could start packing. She has been such a delight. Her daily jobs now include feeding our cat, washing up the breakfast dishes, and keeping her room clean. She also enjoys putting on a load of washing for me some mornings. Her latest achievement, of which she's very proud, is that she can cook 2-minute noodles without any adult help.

Yesterday, Christopher (in his walker) and Catherine decided to clean the whole house. They dusted, swept and mopped floors, vacuumed, cleaned windows and scrubbed the toilet. Don't forget I'm talking about an eight-year-old girl, and a 10-year-old boy in a wheelchair here. Now, some of our windows have new smudges, but it's worth it to see them doing this for enjoyment. I could probably learn something from their approach!


Anonymous said...

Tamara, good luck with the move. I will be looking forward to hearing about it and the new house.
cheers Pamela

Tamara said...

Thanks Pamela,

Nice to see that you're still visiting the blog now and then! Hope your year is going well.
