Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Wheelchair Woes

We were expecting Christopher's new wheelchair to arrive today. The company had rung to make sure we'd be home for the delivery. They rang again this afternoon to explain that they were waiting for a part to arrive, so the chair won't be coming for some time yet. No idea how long.

At least this time we're hopeful that Christopher will actually still fit into the chair by the time it arrives. He'd outgrown the last one before we finally got it - 18 months after he'd been measured up.

Christopher is so very excited about getting this new wheelchair. I will put up some photos on the day it arrives, so you can compare old with new. We're planning to have a special celebratory dessert on the night it gets here. Christopher had been saying things like, 'This is my last Monday in this wheelchair' etc, so he was pretty disappointed today. Not much fun, but we seem to be stuck with it.

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