Sunday, October 16, 2005

Job Offer

To my great surprise, I've been offered a casual job at the hospice where I work as a volunteer. We've been tossing up the pros and cons of this offer all weekend. On the con side: I would no longer be able to work there as a volunteer, the shifts would be unpredictable and I'm not really experienced enough. On the pro side: there would be on-the-job training, this is what I really want to do, they really need me as a PCA (personal care assistant) and it would be fantastic experience. There are of course many other factors, but those were the main ones.

Garry is really encouraging me to take the job, especially since I will soon start four months' break from uni. That is perfect timing for learning a new job and doing odd shifts. Obviously this will have an effect on our Centrelink payments - something I'll have to look into tomorrow. Then it will be decision time!!!

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