Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Yes or No?

Here is a suggestion I read about for creating more "family fun". What do you think?

"unless it is absolutely impossible to do so, say yes. That may sound like a funny statement until you think it through. The average parental reaction is no. Regardless of the question kids ask, most parents think no more often than yes. So my wife and I developed a policy early on that we'd think yes ... and only when we found ourselves absolutely unable to say yes would we be forced to say no."

The writer goes on to give some examples: "Can we sleep outside tonight?", "Can we sleep in our clothes?" and "Can we have a party?" I have to admit my immediate reaction was to think no to each of those! What about you?

I can see that the kids might have more fun if parents were mostly saying yes to their requests! Interesting idea, anyway.

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