Monday, March 10, 2008


Want to improve your vocabulary and do something to alleviate world hunger? Then check out FreeRice - a website that donates 20 grains of rice to the UN World Food Prgram each time you give a correct answer to a vocabulary question. The words get harder each time you get the word right, so it can become quite challenging.

You can read more about the UN World Food Program by clicking this link. I know 20 grains of rice doesn't sound like a lot, but it certainly adds up: to date, over 21,000,000,000 grains of rice have been donated through this site. The cost of the rice is carried by site sponsors, so it doesn't cost you a cent to participate!

In the last hour, the four of us have donated several thousand grains of rice between us. Catherine's best vocab level is 11, and I peaked at level 48. As Catherine says, there are three good things about this program:

1. you help people who don't have enough food to eat
2. you improve your knowledge of words
3. it's fun

Let me know if you try it by leaving a comment - we'd love to hear how many people join us!


Anny Kraal said...

Addictive in a very useful way..... we just did 5460grains in 30mins. Level 34 and that's just before going to bed!! More tomorrow.
A & A

Tamara said...

Hey guys - glad you enjoyed it.

Loves you,

Tom said...


…Wanna play another game? ;)

I take the opportunity of this article to present answer4earth .
Along the same lines of Freerice, it’s about general knowledge… and it's great!

Copland Family said...

Hi Tamara,
Lovely to read your blog. Best score 41 and I want to know who counts the grains of rice??
Pls give the kids a kiss and a cuddle from us and of course Gazza,
love Amber