Monday, March 03, 2008

Railway Rumours

Rumours about the new railway are rife.

It's really starting to look as though the new railway will be either:

1. passing right through our house, or
2. running just below the edge of our block

This is bad and it is sad. None of us wishes to move - but we are also prevented from doing modifications (for Christopher) and from getting even more attached to this beautiful place, until we know whether we'll be able to stay.

We are considering the following options:

1. asking Australia Zoo to loan us some koalas for our gum trees, so we can claim we are a wildlife sanctuary;
2. asking Peter Jackson to film "The Hobbit" here, so we will be a tourist attraction; or
3. burying some dinosaur bones so we can claim to have a vital archeological site on our block.

Any further ideas will be gratefully accepted.


Anonymous said...

buy a tank.

Anonymous said...

If the line passes just below your block, do you stay and become train spotters (I mean, do you get any compensation).

Anonymous said...

get a hold of some nuclear waste and bury it.