I began driving in the year I graduated from high school - in other words, the year I turned 17. As soon as I was allowed on the road, I headed out there. My parents had a Toyota Blizzard that I drove out to Carnarvon Gorge, but the first car I bought myself was this little Toyota Corolla. Of course, that's the year I also looked like this:

So my question today is: what year did you start driving and/or what was your first car? Also, what country did you live in at the time?
I first drove at about six years of age. A Chevrolet 1928 model truck carrying hay for drought affected stock on my Uncle's property in Central NSW. I could hardly reach the clutch to put it into gear, it had a hand throttle, I used first gear only, whilst my cousins were distributing the hay on the back to the starving sheep.
Much on farm car and tractor driving before I got my licence at 16+ for which I did not have to pass a driving test.That's another story.
Bill started driving in 1950(age 19) - his first car was a 1926 Essex Super 6 (made by the Hudson Co.)
I started in 1961 (age 24) in a 1939 Ford Prefect. We paid 20 pounds (can't find a 'pound' symbol) which is $40 and had to pay about twice that much to register it!
Hi Tamara
My first car looked just like yours!!! A Corolla but my waist did not look just like yours at the time!!!! I was 21 at the time of purchase and a poor medical student so borrowed money from mum and dad and 9 days later someone ran into the back of the car. I first drove a Torana which belonged to my sister - she had entered the convent.
Regarding books to take to Leunigs quiet spot on the riverbank I would go for Anam Cara by John O'donohue along with whatever I was reading for bookclub, the Good Weekend magazine from the Sydney Morning Herald which I always intend to read before the next one arrives and probably a lovely romance with a beautiful cover if I wanted just to escape. Now there's an interesting study of my psyche.
love Loretto
PS thought I had posted something similar a few day ago but obviously didn't hit the right button.
My first car was "Fred" - a 1963 Morris 1100, generously given to be by Pa (Fred) Hills. I started driving when I was 17 - almost 18, as I was in Georgia for my 17th birthday and as an exchange student could not drive. When Pa donated Fred to me, he had a little less than 50,000 miles on him. After one year of burning up the Brisbane-Toowoomba highway and the streets of Brisbane, he had 100,000+ miles! Fred ran on the smell of an oily rag and was a great first car to learn to drive in!
I didn't read the question thoroughly...that could cost marks on an exam!
I started driving in 1984.
Hi Tamara Well my first car was a Datsun 1000, midnight blue colour and his name was Roger. I went for my licence on my 17th birthday, failed,i couldn't reverse around a corner. went for it again a week later and passed! Living in Perth at the time! :) Cute photo by the way of you! Suzanne.
I loved reading the comments. It's interesting how many memories are tied to the "First Car" milestone. Thanks for sharing, everyone!!
I have to put my thinking cap on here: I never really had my own car; when I started driving at 18 years of age my dad was also taking driving lessons. He bought a VW (bug) and I was allowed to drive it before he got his license. Several years into our marriage we could finally afford a 2nd hand Citroen (zg. Lelijk eendje) It had the cancas roll-top roof; not that you could use that often in Holland though! Our first car, after immigrating to Australia, was a Holden Commodore Stationwagon. And guess what: just recently, after (as you know) many, many car changes, we are driving another Citroen again;
so the circle is round...
Sorry for my late reply!
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