If you noticed that all our blogs have been quiet this last week it's because we've had house guests. This was a long-awaited, much-anticipated visit by Christopher's best friend and his family. Not only has Jarred been a wonderful friend to Christopher, but he comes with a sister, Aliesha (who is Catherine's age) and lovely parents (Tiffany and Darren). Bonus!
Our guesthouse was filled to the max, with bad weather keeping all eight of us housebound for the entire visit. This did not dampen the fun in the least. The sjoelbak was popular with all, as was the chess set. Numerous other board games were dragged out of dusty corners to find new life. The playstation got a good workout as well.
Good food, great conversation and lots of playing kept us all entertained. It was especially nice to see how well the kids hit it off together. Here are a few photos of the visit:
Looks like a good time was had by all. I did notice less activity on the bogs this week!!
It's always nice to be missed :)
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