Catherine has been doing some painting classes during the school holidays. They start with a blank canvas (about 30x40cm) and a template of that week's design. Three hours later they have a finished product. As you can see, the first week she was a little shaky. Up until this, she'd only done basic school artwork so it was a completely new experience.

The second week she had a bit more confidence. Afterwards she described the various brushes and why they have certain names and uses. She has one more lesson coming up, then it's back to piano classes. While I don't think we have a budding van Gogh on our hands, I think her new-found skills and confidence will give her school artwork a huge boost.
I think her brushstrokes and use of colour - particularly on the parrot are very van Goghish! Beautiful work - I just love it.
Love Connie
Hi Catherine, that's absolutely beautiful; I love it!! Can you teach me??
WHOA! Did she paint that second one from scratch! thats amazing. its well formed and the brush strokes and background are beautiful.
thats 1000000 times better than i could do..
i'll give you ten thousand dollars for it.
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