Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Two minute gardening

I dumped a bag of horse manure on my little square garden bed today. It's the only thing I've done since it was "dug" (see here). I won't start the planting till spring, so this should give the horse poop time to do its thing. I plan to shovel on a bit of mulch sooner or later and that's it for now! Back to the textbooks.


Anonymous said...

Does that mean that I can now relax, knowing that you will be too busy for the next year or so, thus being unable to kidnap that Great Grandson of ours, whom you had your eyes on at his Great Nan's Birthday Party?

leisa said...

Tamara - Just caught up on several weeks of your posts and the "garden experience". I am anxious to hear of your progress and see the final results.

Did you ever ID the location of the time casule?


Garry said...

yes, I found the time capsule yesterday. It was roughly where I remembered burying it (and marking it), and it is still there awaiting some future auspicious occasion to unearth it. (Although I cannot imagine such an occasion.)