Monday, June 27, 2005

Catherine's Mice

"The Adventures of Pepper and Salt"

Thanks to generous aunts and uncles, Catherine is now the proud owner of two mice. A black male was named Pepper, while the white female was named Salt. She has proven to be a responsible pet owner so far, for a 7-year-old. The mice, however, have created interesting times in the household.

Hermione, the cat, thinks the mice are her personal entertainment unit. Pepper, the bolder of the two, has proven to be a rodent Houdini, making various escape attempts. At one point I was horrified to spot him in Hermione's mouth! Family uproar resulted in a trip to the pet shop this morning to swap Pepper for a black and white female - also called Pepper.

While there were some tears, both Christopher and Catherine are now thrilled with the new addition to the family. Now it's just fingers crossed in the hope that Salt is pregnant and will present us with some babies.....

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