interesting discussion developed on a blog that I like, about how you can accept yourself as you are, and yet need to change who you are. This is something I have struggled with as I try to start new habits (such as drinking more water) which then fizzle out sometime down the track. I found some of the resulting comments more helpful than others. I guess what I really like is the fact that others struggle with similar questions. What it doesn't help with is the day-to-day habit of drinking more water... but then there is probably a post on the site that mentions it, I just have to find it. The site is
Zen Habits by the way. The "Popular Posts by Category" section at the bottom of the blog is a great jumping-off point.
Just think about this for a moment..
Trying to drink more water is similar to trying to give up smoking.
You just do !!!
I know, because my wife, and I, did!!!
Anyone who stops smoking is amazing, in my book - because you're fighting the addictive element as well as changing a habit. I have enough trouble changing a habit as it is :)
I am starting to drink more water, it's just *maintaining* a new habit that I find particularly hard. Other difficult ones for me are getting up earlier, exercising, and eating healthier foods.
The tricky part is not beating myself up over the 'failures' - that's when I need to accept myself for who I am without giving up on the attempt to become a better person.
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