So I sat down and started calling all the respite and home help places in the phone book. I was beginning to feel desperate, as most places said they had no workers in our area. Finally I came across someone who was willing to listen, and they must have picked up on the hopelessness I was feeling. Since then, that agency has set up nine additional hours of care for us!
The hours are divided into three afternoons of three hours each. They are shared by a team of three carers, two ladies and one man. Christopher has really hit it off with them already. There are plans for woodworking sessions with Geoff; I found Pamela and Christopher checking the oil and water in the Kia, and they have plans to do some cooking next week; and Michelle is going to help with bathing Christopher (a huge help), and is keen to spend time on the computer with him.
It is such a delight to have this all set up. The agency has been so easy to deal with. Mainly, though, Christopher is happy with his new friends and we get more of a break in the afternoons. Catherine has been her usual wonderful self - helping the new carers understand Christopher's speech, and showing them where things are kept. All in all, the respite situation is starting to fall into place at last, which is very good news.
not sure what this shot I took of Christopher at the Caloundra air museum has to do with this post, but yes the extra help is most welcome...
this was from the day Christopher and I went to the museum in November. This is, if I recall, a Mk XII Spitfire.
Fortunately, they don't just have military aircraft there - some civil and some commercial as well - and they gave Christopher a Flying Doctors calendar just as a reminder that aircraft are not just used for killing people.
Thanks for the photo caption - I, of course, had no idea what plane it was - just thought it was a nice recent photo of Christopher to use somewhere. So no, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the post :)
Good news about extra support workers and they all seem to have different interests and skills. So happy for you Christopher. Is it a well known service provider?
Thanks Granny! I hadn't heard of the service provider before, although that doesn't mean anything. Love, Tamara
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