Sunday, March 27, 2011


Tamara: since i'm building a chook pen today, why don't you girls dress up as chickens? There will be a prize for the best costume.

Annika: no wayyyyyy! I am NOT dressing up as a chicken.
Catherine: disappears and is heard in her room with the tape dispenser.
Sanne: yay! let's do it.

Half hour later....

Annika: look. I made this chicken head and beak out of a box.
Catherine: still in room, cutting something with scissors.
Sanne: moping around for unknown reason.

Half hour later....

Annika: I am NOT wearing this so you can take pictures!
Catherine: emerges from room, be-fathered and chicken-toed.
Sanne: prancing around in costume the other two girls made for her.

Tamara: oh shit! Now I have to award a prize.
*delegates task to Christopher*
Christopher: give them ten bucks each.

1 comment:

Joel said...

The boy is wise :)