Saturday, November 21, 2009

Small Basic

Christopher said last night, "If someone thinks I have an intellectual disability, tell them I write computer code". Yes, he has been engrossed for hours this week learning how to write computer programs using Small Basic.

Benefit #1 - he is reading the entire instruction manual by himself - and getting him to read has been a struggle for many reasons;
Benefit #2 - the program uses intellisense, so it speeds up his typing and reduces errors - making the process much less frustrating than it would be otherwise;
Benefit #3 - he enjoys it immensely, as the instruction manual is designed to give the learner quick results;
Benefit #4 - it is computer-based, and if you know Christopher at all, you will know his obsession with computers and technology.

sample of instruction manual for Small Basic (click to enlarge)

Don't forget, he's doing all this using a head switch and onscreen keyboards!

1 comment:

leisa said...

Fabulous!!! I see a future career emerging!