Monday, March 23, 2009

A sample week

What's on my plate this week?

One 45 min quiz
One 90 min online exam
A 1000 word summary of a case presentation on traumatic brain injury
Two days of work in emergency department
Two days at university
Keeping up with household washing and paperwork
Supervising Catherine's home schooling

What's not on my plate this week? (I am sure this part of the list is longer... just ask Garry!)

Christopher's homeschooling
Cooking and shopping
Supervising ongoing home modifications
Property maintenance

Not quite sure how we're going to fit it all in, but we've survived the first four weeks of semester. In a lecture last week there was a useful bit of advice: "take care of the seconds and the minutes and hours will take care of themselves". That might just have to be my motto for this semester.


Anonymous said...

Dear Tamara
It made me tired just reading your and Garry's schedule. But you are both so organized and committed. You will get through and look back wondering how!

Garry said...

yep, to add didn't mention lifting Christopher, dressing Christopher, changing Christopher, feeding Christopher, supervising Christopher, medicating Christopher, entertaining Christopher, transferring Christopher...................