Sunday, February 12, 2006

Weekly Home Blessing

As part of my journey with FLYlady, I have learned the concept of having a "Weekly Home Blessing". This involves breaking the regular weekly cleaning tasks (dusting, mopping and so on) into 10-minute blitzes that take a total of one hour (this works best if the house is basically picked up).

I have done the one-hour WHB a number of times, with great success. It really feels satisfying to have all those jobs done, and using a timer makes it fun (yes, I did say fun). It's also a wonderful work-out! However, I have really struggled to do a WHB in the heat of summer. Somehow an hour of active housekeeping begins to look more like a chore than a blessing when temperatures soar in the Australian summer.

I've finally found a way to incorporate the WHB into my routine without the mental hurdle of doing a whole hour in the heat. My new strategy? Doing one - and only one - of the WHB tasks every day except Sunday. Facing a ten-minute job is much less daunting, and each day I'm motivated by how good it felt getting the job done the previous day.

As today is Sunday, I am enjoying the peaceful feeling of having done what was needed, and knowing that I can start again tomorrow.

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