Catherine set up business in her bedroom on the weekend... a massage and manicure shop, open from 3-4pm (very civilised working hours if you ask me). I ventured in, to be greeted by a very professional manicurist, who had prepared the work environment with a great deal of thought... right down to providing a coaster if customers had brought their own drink along.
The half hour manicure consisted of a fingernail trim (quite scary for said customer), a choice of orange or blue fingernail polish, and a hand massage with a scrummy almond moisturiser. As it was late Sunday afternoon, I found myself unable to cope with decisions regarding nail colours and therefore ended up with alternating colours. In the spirit of things, I wore my matching skirt today:
Can you ask Catherine if I can make a booking for an appoitment next time we come?
Sounds like you are having a relaxing, fun time.
Car sounds like a lot of fun!
Love mum
Yes, holiday routine is always a bit less stressful. The "massage and manicure" sign is still on her door, so you might be in luck. When are you due up next?
Love, t
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