Today was planting day, and therefore the most labour-intensive part of my garden square is now over and done with. Ably supervised by Christopher, assisted by Catherine, and hindered by Hermione, all the seedlings were settled in their place and tools tidied up within an hour.

The seedlings look a bit droopy.... transplanting never does them any favours. I'm half-thinking to save seed and raise my own next time around, but we'll see how they go. There is rain forecast for this evening, so I am hoping they will stand up to the shock.

This planting grid shows which plants are where, and what their special needs/uses are. It will be particularly handy once (if?) things get a bit lush and tangled in the magic square... in due course. So far so good.
1 comment:
I will be watching the growth with interest! My edible plants - tomato,basil, parsely and chives, all do very well in pots in the sun - but I have mostly shade so I can't tackle a salad bowl like yours! Be sure to keep the progress posted! And any successful dishes that result from your labours!
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