Christopher chasing pigeons in his walkerPeople with handicaps, so limited physically and/or intellectually, are often more gifted than others when it comes to the things of the heart and to relationships. In a mysterious way they can lead us to the home of our hearts. Their handicaps are counterbalanced by a special openness and trust in others. Certain social conventions mean nothing to them. They live closer to what really matters.
In our competitive societies, which put so much emphasis on power and strength, they have great difficulty in finding their place; they are losers in every competition. But in their thirst and their gift for friendship and communication, the so-called 'weaker' people in society can touch and transform the strong, if the strong are only prepared to listen to them.
In our fragmented societies, people with disabilities have a very special part to play in the healing of hearts, and in destroying the barriers which separate people from one another and prevent them from living humanly.
From the introduction to "Our Journey Home" by Jean Vanier.
certainly true of our of the 'healthiest' people I know
It was in the late 1960's when I came to appreciate that incapacitated people were not "different". I had no previous experience whatsoever with people who were unfortunate enough to be dependant upon others for support in their most basic of needs. A young man whom I only met once at the Brisbane Exhibition when I was manning a Show Stand indicated that he would like to meet a mate and me at one of the 'bars' in the show ground after we finished for the day. We agreed and we spent one of the most enlightening hours of my life in his company.
He had a great sense of humour and a wonderful outlook on life. It changed my rather narrow vision on people who had the misfortune to be different, from that day on. Even today I have great faith that Christopher will grow up to be the same way.
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