Planning has officially begun for the Hills Family's 2010 trip "around the world". A valid itinerary is in place, which will no doubt be rearranged and tweaked as we make the attempt to find a flight featuring the new airbus A380.... Christopher's dream come true. The fun (some of us would debate the use of the word "fun" at this point) begins on 1 May 2010. Our progress to England will include stops in Singapore (2 nights), Paris/France (1 week), Cairo/Egypt (3 nights), and finally on to London.
Several months later our return trip will include Zurich/Switzerland (2 nights), Rome/Italy (6 nights), Washington DC (5 nights), Indianapolis (8 nights), Los Angeles (2 nights) and home via Auckland, New Zealand! In between, we will be hopping across the channel to Holland and making a visit to Ireland for a walking (aka Guinness drinking) holiday.
Cairo is Catherine's choice, Italy is Christopher's. Garry's preference is to stay at home, but if he absolutely has to go, a visit to Ireland is essential. My vote went to France and anything else is a bonus. Okay, okay, visiting family is also part of the point - relax dutchies and americans!! We're coming... eventually.
Any feedback?
Sounds wonderful. Catherine commented in one of our emails (after I had hinted) that it would be fun to have little gran gran along.
Currency will no doubt fluctuate constantly but, closer to the time, it is worth keeping a close eye on that. We were lucky the dollar was over 90c when we bought but it started to fall dramatically while we were away.
Planning is part of the fun of a trip. I am sure you will enjoy that part.
Yipee. Valda's right in about the "planning" stage being fun. Have you read Alain de Botton's THE ART OF TRAVEL? It's a wonderful book - I love his first essay in it - ANTICIPATION AND REALITY!
Another book I really enjoyed was WITHOUT RESERVATIONS about a woman - Alice - who takes a year out (as a reporter on the Washington Post I think) to travel - from what I can remember she went to England, France and Italy. In England, she did a course at Oxford on "The English Village". Great book.
Another book I really enjoyed was ALMOST FRENCH written by a woman who was a reporter for SBS. Studied French at the ANU - each chapter looks at a different aspect of French - (Parisian in particular) culture.
When I think of anything, I will forward for your "file".
Love Connie
Yipee. Glad to see you are allocating a good amount of time to Indianapolis.
It'll be nice having people in to do my laundry for me. :P
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