To become fully alive a person must have goals and aims that transcend himself. Herbert Otto
I like to use the ten questions of "Your Best Year Yet" to put my past year into perspective and identify some directions for the new year. There is a free online workshop that you can do (click here) - although this year I bought the book secondhand via ebay. The end result is a one-page document of some carefully thought-out, relevant reminders and goals for yourself.
I'm not sure that any of my aims will help me 'transcend myself'. They are humble goals, as I know from experience that I do better if I build in a reasonable chance of success. Nevertheless, when I read my page of goals, they put a smile on my face and invite me to enter into them wholeheartedly.
I'm looking forward to what 2008 will bring our way. Perhaps another move (not such a cheerful prospect), but if not, there will no doubt be other challenges. What gives me hope is that we've weathered a great deal as a family and I know we will support each other no matter what. Here's a toast to the simple things in life - family, love, friendship, laughter, and the ability to recognise these for the treasures they really are.

We hope you have a wonderful 2008 I am working on my goals and hoping to rearrange my busy schedule more efficiently.
Guess the main goal is to stay healthy and enjoy another year.
Love to all
Little GranGran
I'd love to hear what your goals are, Little GranGran....
What a great exercise...I plan to do the workshop and develop personal goals.
I have been working diligently with my team to develop 2008 team goals - and unfortunately, and perhaps this needs to be my first personal goal, there has been little time spent on my personal goals.
Thanks for the inspiration Tamara.
Love Leisa
Glad you like the workshop, Leisa - it's a good process, even if you don't end up sticking to the plan. I found it especially interesting to write a new paradigm for myself.
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