As our countdown to the move steadily decreases, the number of tearful farewells increases. We've had our final Women's Circle, Book Group, family gathering, birthday party, lunch with friends, school day, dinner with other friends, et cetera et cetera et cetera. As one of our goodbye cards says, however, "Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened".
For Women's Circle, the kids and I had lots of fun doing up colourful gift bags (see photo above). They included candles, notebooks, and our very first attempt to make chocolate fudge. After all, what good is Women's Circle without candles and chocolate? The fudge was delicious and remarkably easy to make. I don't have a photo of the end result because we ate it too quickly. We will certainly make more soon, though.
We have been overwhelmed by the kindness and thoughtfulness of all our wonderful friends as we leave. It's a great way to find out what people think of you, although rather drastic and therefore not generally recommended! At least we'll still be within range of visitors who feel like heading to the beach for a while. That's something we're really looking forward to. I'll keep you posted...
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