We made it!!!!!!!!
Yesterday, after an increasingly frustrating phone call with our internet service provider, we finally made it online (but still not broadband). So here we are.
The move went very smoothly, with rain welcoming us to the Sunshine Coast last week. Only three boxes are left to unpack. Things are slowly coming together and we are starting to enjoy the beautiful surroundings of our new home.
I have already begun composting and planted eight little lettuce seedlings yesterday. The soil here is sand on clay - so lots of organic matter is needed before planting. The lettuces are just to satisfy my urge to plant something. At least all eight were still there this morning.
We have had some interesting adventures on our little acreage already. Catherine in particular has shown uncharacteristic boldness in her explorations. I am tempted to fit her with a personal alarm for when she gets herself into trouble. On one occasion she decided to ride her bike down our rather steep block, and didn't stop until she ploughed right into the fence.
Christopher has also had some fun. He has enjoyed watching Opa cut down trees and assemble furniture - with great hilarity when things went wrong. Yesterday Garry and Christopher set off with our wheelie bin in the van, to try to find a nearby dump (we thought we'd missed the collection day and our bin was overflowing). Much sooner than expected, the van returned and the boys sheepishly emerged to say they met the rubbish collection truck on the road and were able to rush home in time for it to be collected after all.
I have lots of photographs - too many to put on the blog. I will try to make them available another way. Meanwhile, here are my baby lettuces and a picture of our lounge/dining area before furniture (just to show off the view):