Family/Celebrations: my lovely SIL visited from Indianapolis - she was in Australia for her dad's 80th birthday party, and we were lucky enough to have her stay with us for a while. Leisa joined us for Christmas celebrations with my parents on the 23rd. A wonderful meal as always - I'll be attempting to make the Pearl Couscous with Prawns and Avocado sometime soon.

Catherine spent most of this week in Toowoomba, catching up with her cousin Emma. In between social outings, they traded their latest obsessions: Cate made sure Emma saw as many Glee episodes as possible, while Emma taught Catherine to appreciate the humour of Hamish & Andy.
Christopher spent quite a lot of time refining his search for a High Definition video camera, finally deciding to purchase one through Amazon rather than from a local store - the price difference was significant. That took care of all his Christmas cash and leaves him indebted for a couple of months' worth of pocket money. He's also been enjoying the latest iPad app - a car-racing game of some description.

Off the Bookshelf: Christopher bought me "The Dragonriders of Pern" for Christmas - a trilogy by Anne McCaffrey, who died earlier this year. I'd never actually read any of her work, so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I greatly enjoyed the world of Pern and the dragons she originally created in 1968. I zipped through the three books - finished most of the last one in the car on the trip to and from Toowoomba yesterday.