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There are more sources ideal for honeymaking in Australia than any other country - so we have the widest range of tastes and colours. The best loved Australian honey flavours come from:
Blue gum: A light amber. Choice forest honey from the south.
Karri: An amber honey from the forests of Western Australia.
Leatherwood: A unique honey from the west coast of Tasmania, quick to candy and extra light in colour.
Lucerne: A mild-tasting honey.
Yellow box: Pale and sweet. From New South Wales, Victoria and Oueensland.
Stringy bark: Strong flavoured, medium amber honey from the Great Dividing Range.
Ti-tree: A very strong flavour used mainly in manufacturing.
White clover: An extra white honey that candies smoothly.
See how many flavours and types of honey you can find. Taste as many as you can, for honey keeps you healthy. It can be used with many foods and in many ways. When you know all the flavours, not only will you be able to use it to its best advantage, but you’ll be a honey connoisseur as well!
Text quoted from http://www.honeybee.org.au/pdf/wonderfull01.pdf
I wonder how they'd describe the flavours and uses of Chook Poo Honey?