Here is a snapshot of what's happening at our place this week:
Monday: a two-person film crew will be here from 7am to 8pm. I will be attempting to study and have to attend a nursing tutorial at uni. A family friend is coming over for an hour to spend time with Christopher.
Tuesday: My day begins with an exam and ends with a two hour CPR refresher course (4.30-6.30pm), while Garry & Christopher have to spend the entire day in Brisbane (together with my parents and Garry's mother). This means Catherine has to be dropped off at a friend's place by 7am, and will return there after school until either Garry or I are ready to pick her up.
Wednesday: My turn to spend a day in Brisbane, this time with Garry's father and brother. Christopher will be at school the whole day and has a friend coming over to play in the afternoon. He might be going to his grandparents' for a sleepover. I have Women's Circle in the evening, from 7.30pm until late. We are also supposed to meet with friends for our weekly gathering at 6.15am.
Thursday: I will be at uni from 8am until 5pm. Christopher has homeschool while Garry does the grocery shopping. Catherine has a swimming lesson after school. A relatively normal day.
Friday: Final day of school and uni before the Easter break. For our anatomy class I will be dissecting a sheep's heart today. Christopher has homeschool followed by respite with Uncle Brad from 12-3.00pm. Our book group meets this Friday night, from 6pm until late.
At this point I'm not sure how this is all going to work, but we'll get through it all somehow. It will be good to have a short break from Uni next week!